Book Review: The Last Thing He Told Me

Hannah Hall has been married to Owen Michaels for a year before he suddenly disappears, leaving behind his 16-year-old daughter to Hannah’s care. The only communication she has is a note that was delivered by a young girl she doesn’t know. The note reads, “protect her”. Oh and a ton of money he left in his daughter’s locker.

Overall, I liked this book. There were a few things where I was like, “what?” I can definitely say that I enjoyed the first half way more than the second half. I mean, the whole idea, married to a man for a year and he disappears and leaves that note? I mean, what the heck? What are you protecting her from?? The problem for me came with what exactly she was protecting the step-daughter from — you think it’s one thing and then it’s another and then apparently the thing she should be protecting her from is the thing/person that she leads the daughter to and makes a deal with…it just didn’t sit well with me.

But like I said, I still enjoyed the read. Maybe that should make it three stars instead of four but what’s done is done, it’s not like you can go on Goodreads and change your rating (clearly I’m being sarcastic lest you think I’m a moron…I’m just lazy).

Published by lildonbro

A mother of three, a writer, and a Pinterest fail-er

One thought on “Book Review: The Last Thing He Told Me

  1. I agree with your review. I enjoyed the first half more than the second. But also the relationship building between Hannah and her step daughter was enjoyable.


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