Bad Parenting

My sister sent this to me today and it did indeed make me feel better about my parenting skills. Since the first follow-up appointment with the pediatrician (about a week after giving birth) I have never felt good enough as a mother. Because there’s always something you should do that you’re not or something youContinue reading “Bad Parenting”


Today’s activity? Icebergs. I filled an old lunch meat container halfway with water, popped on the lid and stuck it in the freezer. When we were ready I put it on the counter for a few minutes to let it thaw enough to come right out of the container. Then we sprinkled some salt onContinue reading “Icebergs”

Rainbow Mom

First off – sorry it’s been so long. But – I’m pregnant and the first three months were rough! So I’m trying to get back into the swing of things, writing on here and also working on my story(ies). A few weeks ago, Nicky started to talk about getting a “rainbow mom” and I didn’tContinue reading “Rainbow Mom”

Partying for Partying’s Sake

Nicky has been wanting to have a party since this past summer when he read the book “Monster Party”. When I’m in the office he comes in and starts drawing on paper saying he’s making invitations. Finally, a few days after Christmas he mentioned a party and I thought, “why not?” We have ready madeContinue reading “Partying for Partying’s Sake”

Things I never thought I’d say -Part 2

Since the year is almost over I figured I would go ahead and publish this post I’ve been randomly adding things to. I’ll be honest, I forgot this list most of the year so it’s a little shorter than the real life things that have come out of my mouth since becoming a mom. ButContinue reading “Things I never thought I’d say -Part 2”

It’s Official – I’m a Pageant Mom

So update on the pageant: Nicky participated! It may have helped that I said there would be a cookie feast for everyone who sings. It could also be because, even though he doesn’t sing, he’s had preparation and is fine to stand there. He was the cutest little sheep. And I liked that he didn’tContinue reading “It’s Official – I’m a Pageant Mom”

Gray’s Anatomy

After reading some parenting articles that popped into my inbox via BabyCenter and WhatToExpect, I decided to use the proper words for body parts rather than cutesy nicknames that will save me from some embarrassment. So when Nicky points at his particulars and asks me what it is I tell him it’s his penis (IContinue reading “Gray’s Anatomy”

Homemade Play Dough

This stuff is so easy to make! Throw the following ingredients into a saucepan: 1 Cup flour 2 tsp cream of tartar 1/3 CUP salt 1 Cup water 1 tbsp oil Stir over medium heat until it gets thicker. Then add whichever food coloring you want. Continue stirring until the play dough pulls away fromContinue reading “Homemade Play Dough”

This is why we can’t have nice things

I love peanut butter. I just wanted to say that before I went off on it. I always find it on my pants. Sometimes my shirts, but usually my pants. It’s become an accessory several times a week. I don’t own that many pairs of jeans, mostly because I’m losing weight so I don’t wantContinue reading “This is why we can’t have nice things”


As I posted yesterday – I thought I had a draft of my weekly new things. This is by a complete list, looks like I stopped adding after about three months or so but you get the idea. So I’ve fallen behind reporting on my weekly “projects” which I have dubbed Pinterest projects because honestlyContinue reading “Projects”